
No hidden fees, calculate your trip

Which electric vehicle do you choose?
How long is your trip?
How many kilometers?

The price of this trip would be



The total trip price is calculated based on the ride duration and the distance driven. With every ride you have 15 min free reservation time to reserve the car before starting your ride. Parking, insurance, electricity are all included in the price.

Model 3 Standard Range
350km range
5.8s 0-100

1 minute - 0.19 €
1 hour - 7.9 €
1 day (24h) - 39 €
1 week - 269 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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Model 3 Long Range
450km range
4.4s 0-100

1 minute - 0.19 €
1 hour - 7.9 €
1 day (24h) - 49 €
1 week - 339 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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Model 3 Performance
400km range
3.3s 0-100

1 minute - 0.24 €
1 hour - 8.9 €
1 day (24h) - 59 €
1 week - 369 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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Model Y Standard Range
350km range
6.9s 0-100

1 minute - 0.24 €
1 hour - 8.9 €
1 day (24h) - 59 €
1 week - 369 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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Model Y Long Range
500km range
5s 0-100

1 minute - 0.27 €
1 hour - 9.9 €
1 day (24h) - 69 €
1 week - 399 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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Q4 etron quattro
300km range
6.9s 0-100

1 minute - 0.32 €
1 hour - 11.9 €
1 day (24h) - 89 €
1 week - 499 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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etron 55 SB S-line quattro
350km range
6.2s 0-100

1 minute - 0.34 €
1 hour - 14.9 €
1 day (24h) - 109 €
1 week - 599 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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VW ID Buzz
400km range
10.2s 0-100

1 minute - 0.32 €
1 hour - 11.9 €
1 day (24h) - 89 €
1 week - 499 €
Distance - 0.29 €/km
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The total trip price is calculated based on the ride duration and the distance driven. With every ride you have 15 min free reservation time to reserve the car before starting your ride. Parking, insurance, electricity are all included in the price.


1 minute

1 hour

1 day

1 week


Model 3 Standard Range · 350km range · 5.8s 0-100

0.19 €




0.29 / km

Model 3 Long Range · 450km range · 4.4s 0-100

0.19 €




0.29 / km

Model 3 Performance · 400km range · 3.3s 0-100

0.24 €




0.29 / km

Model Y Standard Range · 350km range · 6.9s 0-100

0.24 €




0.29 / km

Model Y Long Range · 500km range · 5.0s 0-100

0.27 €




0.29 / km

Audi Q4 etron quattro · 300km range · 6.9s 0-100

0.32 €




0.29 / km

Audi etron 55 Sportback S-line quattro · 350km range · 6.2s 0-100

0.34 €




0.29 / km

VW ID Buzz · 400km range · 10.2s 0-100

0.32 €




0.29 / km

Want to rent a car for a longer time?

Check out our Full Service Rental options with rental period starting from 1 month to several years. 

Additional Fees

Please review our Terms and Conditions for detailed information on how these fees can be applied and under what conditions. 

Fee description
Lost charging card
€ 30.00
Using the Charging Card to charge any other vehicle
€ 200.00
Car reposession fee in case of unpaid rental fees during rental. The km fee is calculated to the closest "green" zone.
€ 100 + 0.80eur/km
Parking a car and finishing rental in a closed/restricted area
€ 100.00
Leaving car extremely dirty (eg, animal fur, excessive dirt and waste on the seats)
€ 35.00
Chemical cleaning in case a car is left in a condition it cannot be cleaned otherwise
€ 100.00
Smoking in the car (including e-cigarettes, vapes)
€ 200.00
Speeding or parking ticket handling
Official fine + 15€ handling fee
Battery left under 5% of range remaining and car not plugged into charging station in the end of the rental. The km fee is calculated to the closest charger with which we have a partnership agreement.
€ 40.00 + € 0.80/km
Driving the car to 0%, so it cannot be driven anymore and has to be towed to the closest charging station. The km fee is calculated to the closest charger with which we have a partnership agreement.
€ 150.00 + 0.80eur/km + Towing cost
Providing False data, using another person's data or willfully handing over your profile data to another person.
€ 1,000.00
Formatting the USB flash/deleting dashcam footage without OX Drive authorisation.
€ 250.00
Reckless driving - Driving more than 50km/h above the legal speed limit, drag racing, drifting etc.
€ 500.00 - € 1000.00
Self-Risk in case the front windshield/glass is damaged during your rental
€ 500.00
Self-Risk in case of an accident with animals
€ 500.00
Self-risk (the amount you would have to pay) in case of any other accident (only kasko insurance case) if you are responsible for the accident
€ 750.00
Driving Under Influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances (DUI)
€ 2,500.00
Leaving an accident without notifying authorities and OX Drive
€ 1,000.00 + full liability for damages to the vehicle.