Ultimate practical and emotional gift at the same time!

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Gift card image
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With OX Drive you can:

Discover electric innovation

Experience the raw power electric drivetrain.

Savor serene journeys

Enjoy the relaxing drives on autopilot.

Sustainable driving with Tesla

Explore Tesla delights

Have fun with Tesla features like Boombox and Fart mode.

Convenient driving with Tesla

Drive at your pace

It can be used all at once or over a longer period of time.

OX for business

Stay flexible

Take a car from the streets of Riga for a couple of minutes at a time or pre-book in advance and going on a longer trip.

Ready? Let’s choose the card you want!

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Ready? Let’s choose the card you want!

20 €

30 €

60 €

100 €

150 €

200 €

If you have any questions or some special requirements, please contact us at hello@oxdrive.lv

Need a custom order?

If you’re looking for a large number of gift cards or customised messaging on the gift cards with your own corporate design, please contact us.